Na objednávku Wilfa Uniform WSFBS-100B
Wilfa Uniform WSFBS-100B elektrický automatický mlynček na výberovú kávu na všetky alternatívne metódy pour aj full immersion.

A pozor: aj na espresso!
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     Wilfa Uniform WSFBS-100B elektrický mlynček na kávu očarí najprv dizajnom a hneď potom funkčnosťou a jednoduchosťou ovládania.

Wilfa Uniform má v sebe vstavanú presnú baristickú váhu!

Mlecie kamene sú 58 mm a melú rovnomerne konzistentne homogénne a rýchlo. Stainless steel.

Poctivá oceľ bude vašu výberovku nemilosrdne a presne rovnomerne mlieť.

41 možností nastavenia hrúbky / jemnosti mletia kávy.

Espresso, moka, french press, coffee pot, moccamaster, wilfa precision, hario dripper v60, kalita, gina, trinity, clever, aeropress...


Wilfa Uniform is an automatic coffee grinder developed in collaboration with Tim Wendelboe for pour-over methods and espresso with built-in scale and precise flat burrs.

Use Uniform is recommended especialy for pour-over methods, however, it works also for espresso. To change the grind setting, you simply turn the upper element.

The scale offers 41 settings that are easy to read.

The grinder has only one on/off button.

The device switches of automatically, when it "feels" there are no more coffee beans in the hopper.

The ginder is made of steel and aluminium.

The motor used in the grinder is reasonably slow on purpose. It is not a drawback, but an advantage - it prevents coffee from overheating.

Container for grounded coffee was made from stainless steel. It prevents the static effect, so the coffee dust does not set on the kitchen counters. No mess included!

The lid of the coffee beans container is simultaneously a scale with LED display, which measurement accuracy is 0,1 g.

It is compatible with a special app via Bluetooth.

There you can find tips and recipes for extraordinary coffee.

Fflat 58 mm stainless steel burrs.

It is easy to clean!

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Wilfa Uniform WSFBS-100B

  • Videli: 6385
  • Výrobca: Wilfa
  • Kód produktu: Mlynček na kávu
  • Dostupnosť: Na objednávku
  • 370,80 €
  • Bez DPH: 309,00 €

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Štítky: mlynček kávu, elektrický mlynček na kávu, fresh mlynček